Hello! Welcome to Foto Visualista.
This all started at the encouragement of dear, dear friends. Yep, you know who you are! Thank you!
Thinking back over the years, I always had a camera. Nothing fancy, you know a Polaroid or those little disposable one use cameras. In my 20’s I was given a Minolta with changeable lenses. Wow, I burned off the film. My local photo shop loved to see me drive up. It was frustrating and my success rate was low, lol.
Then in 2006, I was introduced to my first digital dslr and kit lens. It was ancient by today’s standards, but I was hooked. I read everything I could and watched video tutorial after tutorial. I kept this up until I experienced small successes and it was these successes that propelled me forward and onto my next “self-assignment”. Oh my, I can’t forget Photoshop….I’m in awe of people with PS skills. Like photography it’s an on-going education.
A short time later, while “window shopping” at a local camera store I inquired about camera lessons and was given the name of a skilled, talented and accomplished photographer. I quickly made arrangements for lessons, Oh, how my photography world exploded and to this day, Dan is a friend and my dear mentor. BTW, I still call Dan when I’m struggling or need a push in the right direction. Forever grateful to Dan!
My Photo Enthusiast path led me through many genres; flowers, animals, landscapes, macros, portraits and ……….! You see, I’ve always been a creative person. It is part of what makes me who I am. I soon started competing in on-line photo competitions. It was a great way to see how I stacked up and helped me determine if I was improving. I didn’t do to bad and this encouraged me.
I live in California and are near the foothills, mountains and the ocean. I enjoy the outdoors, spending time walking about and taking short day trips. Now, I’m not talking about anything strenuous just slow and easy, lol.
You’ll find cooking tips and tricks, delicious recipes that are quick, easy and delicious. Plus, food photography that I hope will inspire you.